Tuesday 27 September 2011

Office cleaning and closing the deal

There are many office cleaning companies and  cleaning companies out there so how can you distinguish yourself and then close the deal with a potential client?

Even if you manage to gain the client's commitment to signing an order, there may be a period of negotiation required to agree on the details.

Remember not to get carried away by the fact that you have potentially secured a new contract - you may still have to walk away if the deal doesn't suit your profit margins or your ability to deliver.

Negotiating on price
It is tempting to end up in a negotiation on the final cost of the deal, as it is almost certainly one of the elements that the client will try to negotiate on. However, it is rarely advantageous to give ground on price.

Provided you have set your price realistically, taking into account the cost of creating and delivering your product or service, lowering your price may:

result in a low profit margin that affects your ability to deliver to the required standard
create an expectancy that you will lower it further
suggest that it was too high in the first place
For more information, see our guide on how to price your product or service.

If the client insists on a price reduction, offer to give them a discount based on more cleaning services. You could also offer to agree on a particular price if you can alter some elements of the proposed package, eg lessen hours.

Take your time
Whatever happens in the negotiation, remain assertive but polite at all times. Don't be put off by comments designed to destabilise your position, eg 'that's far too expensive'. Outline the benefits and why it is worth the cost.

Consider all sensible offers but don't agree to a condition too quickly - this can make the buyer think you are desperate and that there could be more room for manoeuvre.

See what out clients have to say about us in out office cleaning testimonial page

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